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Interested in volunteering for the Let’s Take A Walk?

If you’re keen to help out for LTAW 2024, fill in the volunteer form. We will get in touch with you if you are selected.

LTAW Volunteer Roles

1.Photographers or Videographers
Every year, a small troop of volunteer photographers and videographers help us cover the various walks in LTAW. Have the interest, the equipment and the skills? Sign up to be part of the visual storytelling team.
2.Logistics Crew
If you only have a few hours, you can still be of help to our logs team at key spots such as at registration, the finale, etc. Muscles and wheels are needed to transport and carry items to various locations.
3. Event Day Registration Crew
With different start points and start timings for the various routes, we need a team of volunteers to help walkers register on the actual day.
4. Checkpoint Crew
Jio some friends or family members to volunteer together at the checkpoints to help walkers register a checkpoint along their route. Offer wayfinding tips, weather reports, drinks and some welfare to LTAW Walkers.
5. Route Marshals
Want to be beacons for our walkers? You will be deployed along the routes to motivate walkers, ensure they take the right paths, and look out for unwell walkers.
6. Route Sweepers
Our unsung heroes! Calling strong walkers to pace the walks, check on struggling walkers and help walkers on your stretch to gauge if they can reach the next checkpoint or endpoint by the cut-off times.
7. First Aid / Safety Drivers
If you have your own wheels, you can help ply the quieter roads to make sure walkers are safe and well. Make sure to bring along a buddy to keep you alert and awake.

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